This is entirely not related to derby at all and basically I'm feeling depressed and whiny and self pitying and bored and a bit pathetic. I know that a LARGE part of the way I feel today is because I have been cooped up at home with nothing to do but clean or do homework for a week now and I still have probably another week to go. Of course, then I go on vacation, but that's not right now and right now is where I'm at.
I can't skate, grocery shopping is a chore that requires me to either ride one of those stupid mart carts or try to walk the whole time and end up hurting because I over did it (both options suck), I have no Halloween plans, I missed the QCRG bout I was supposed to be at cause of my stupid surgery, I'm broke, there is nothing awesome and fun to do, and and and....
Yeah, it's one of those days. *sigh* I'm trying to use all this free time I have to be productive and get lots of cleaning and schoolwork done and get the bylaws done for the derby league I'm with, but I keep getting sad and miserable and don't want to do anything when I'm sad and miserable. Also, feeling like this makes me want to drink alcohol. Drinking when you're already depressed is a bad idea. I know this. Which is why I keep little to no alcohol in my house unless I have plans on drinking it very shortly after purchase when I'm not depressed. Trying not to be come an alcoholic is working, but sometimes it is hard. Ugh, I sound drunk as it is, but I'm not. I'm just sad, miserable, depressed, etc. (SEE ABOVE)*sigh* Gonna try to focus on being productive....
Dixie von D.
Just checking in on you. How are you feeling?