Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Need my fix!

So, I'm waiting impatiently for practice night to get here again. I did get a bit of skating in Sunday AM before work though and it was good. Sandwiched Aeon Fox between myself and another skater and since she can be so hard to hit I was definitely impressed with our teamwork.

Our testing is coming up in March and the only thing that leaves me really nervous is the 25/5. I haven't successfully done it and hate to fail. It gives me the anxieties. We have a joint practice with the Enchanted Mountain Roller Girls on the 5th of Feb. but unfortunately I didn't have enough notice to arrange my work schedule around it. I might still see if I can work a later shift though because I really want to be at this practice to meet some of the EMRG since I haven't gotten to do so yet. And on the 26th of Feb. we will be scrimmaging with them in Olean, NY. Looking forward to that.

But now I've gotten myself all nervous and wound up about testing, even though I know that I'm getting better every week. I think I'm going to go make hubby a lunch before he has to leave for work (He needs a derby name!) and then once he leaves I'm going to clean and exercise for a while. I'm still not great at exercising every day or every other day like I should be, but if I can sneak in a bit more here and there it's more than I was doing and it all helps in the long run. DL<3

Dixie von D.

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