Sunday, August 28, 2011

Recap,,,of a lot of stuff

OK. So I mentioned in my last post that I was thisclose to my 25/5. I haven't gotten a chance to skate it again, but I'm pretty confident that I can do it. We were scheduled to practice Wed. night as usual, but we had several people who were out of town or off skates and decided that we could take a night off. So instead a group of us hit the local mall in our derby gear (practice was canceled late) and shopped for tights/fishnets, etc. It was an awesome bonding experience for the group of us and I really enjoyed it because I seldom get to do that with my league.

Last night we had our first open house/recruiting event and while we didn't have the turnout that facebook suggested we would have (not surprising) we did have a decent amount of people show up. We should get at least a couple girls on skates out of the deal, might have an NSO turned skater after her baby is born, and if we were going to try and start up a junior league we would have our very first derby brats! And they were too cute! Although I'm not sure the 13 year old would appreciate me saying that about her...she was a sweet kid though. All in all, the event seemed to go pretty well. And I got mad props off the coach during a pushes and pulls drill that we did during the practice portion that we did to let potential fresh meat get their feet wet. I was a speed demon around that track. Love to see myself improving and love it more when people notice!

This morning there was an off-skates practice with Tuesday Hula from QCRG that I was slated to be at, but my phone rang at 3AM with news that my in-laws house had burnt down. So I woke my husband (Yankee von Doom since he is actually from NY and I grew up in the south..hence my name) and we drove out because while there wasn't much we could besides be there for his parents there was no way were doing anything else. They were camping with some friends and their dogs so no one was hurt but the house and everything in it are total losses. It's a shame to lose the heirlooms, firearms, household goods, and whatnot, but I'm more grateful that no one was hurt. I will miss my big bad ass shotgun, but in the grand scheme of things that's not what really matters. At any rate, I texted my league and told them I would be there this AM because I wasn't sure what might need done. It turned out that I could have probably gone, but after sleeping for roughly three hours, getting woken up about the fire, and handling that boatload of information and adrenaline I got home about 6 or 630 and did some cleaning, puttered around a bit and was passing out on the couch while Yankee crawled back in bed. At 9 AM I woke him as per his request and then passed back out under a blanket with a raging headache for an hour. He feels very lost and in a way so do I...being here is more important than derby right now. I'm just waiting for things to be normal again for now...


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